Published May 2. 2018 - 6 years ago
Updated or edited May 18. 2018

Fox's Caddis Poopah

The Fox's Caddis Poopah is a fly designed by fly tyer and angler Tim Fox sometime in the early 1990's for catching trout on the lower Sacramento River. The original fly has a few differences, mainly the hook (2302 TMC) and the use of UV resin to add some durability.

You can tie the fly in a number of color variations including olive/green, tan, orange, or chartreuse. Tim used vernille to create a tapered body and a pearl tinsel for the underbody. I use Ultra chenille and dark colored tinsels. Take the fly and modify it to your liking. Study the bugs in your streams and tailor the flies to match.

Fox’s Caddis Poopah Fly Pattern recipe
Hook: Firehole 315 #12-18
Bead: Brass or tungsten gold
Thread: Black 8/0 (70d)
Belly: Flat mylar tinsel
Ribbing: Olive soft wire
Body: Worm green ultra chenille
U.V.: Bone Dry
Throat: Partridge or wood duck
Antennae: Waterfowl flank fibers
Thorax: Black ostrich


Southern California by Riot (Royalty Free Music)

Camera: Nikon CoolPix B700
Vise: Griffin Montana Mongoose

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