Published Aug 30. 2008 - 15 years ago
Updated or edited Aug 8. 2015

Summit 2008 payment


Summit 2008 participants,

I now have about half of the money in safe keeping here in Denmark, and we're closing in on the deadline.

I will have to ask you to check the list on the web page and make sure your payment has been registered if you have already paid.

If you have paid, and do not appear as such, please contact me. I know a few have used bank transfer, which can be slow. As long as I know the money is on its way, I'm fine.

If you haven't paid, DO IT NOW!

The prices are:
Dorm: 125 Euros
Double room: 140 Euros per person
Single room: 160 Euros
No room, but all meals: 75 Euros

I have registered the double rooms under one person's name - you can pay seperately if you want.

You can pay it through Paypal or through a money transfer to my bank.

1) My Danish bank account is: Forstædernes Bank, kontonr.: 54761572671 - that can be used from Danish web banks

2) My International bank account is: Swift: FBBKDKKK, IBAN account number: DK2754760001572671 - that can be used Internationally

3) My PayPal account is on - that can be used for people with PayPal (registration is free)

Sometime during the coming week I will have to close down the list as it is and cancel all those who haven't paid. I will not take pay the bill of people not showing.

I have one payment, which I can't place. If the number 5470103M82400031 and about 125-130 Euros relates to you, please let me know.



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