Published May 6. 2009 - 15 years ago
Updated or edited Aug 8. 2015

Keeping fish for the pot…

Hello everyone,

I hope you fishing season is going as planned, and that you have managed to land a fish or two….

I would like to gather some different opinions about keeping fish ….

To start with, I am a conservation minded Flyfisher , and mainly do CAR….but I do like eating fish….. this leaves me with 2 options, 1 – Keeping a fish or two which I catch , or 2 – releasing everything I catch and buying fish…. I used to do option 2 , but lately I feel that supporting commercial fishing / aquacultures does far more harm than me keeping up to 2 trout from my local river each week….

What is your view on this ?



Hi Ruan, personaly I think if...

Hi Ruan, personaly I think if you like to eat fish and it is legal to do so you should go for it! I keep maybe 1 in 50 or 60 trout that I catch and the fishery here can certainly sustain that. Indeed in Taupo it is encouraged to take some trout for the pot as there is only a certain number of fish the environment can sustain so we need to cull a few to keep up the condition and size of the fish.
They are lovely hot smoked.
All the best.

Tobias Herrmann's picture

Hi Ruan,...

Hi Ruan,

to release the fish you caught and buy fish for dinner afterwards, seems stoopid to me. Mostly alle the fishes you can buy are caught with a nets. If you would know how harmful netfishing is to the environment, you would probably keep your fish for dinner and resign from buying the fish in a shop. Even aquaculture harms nature in so many ways, that I won't buy these fishes. You should get yourself [url=]THIS BOOK[/url] and you will see which one is the better way.


waterdog's picture

Hi Mike,Hi Tobias,...

Hi Mike,Hi Tobias,

Thanks for the comments, i feel the same way. My reason for posting this was the attitude shown by some anglers ( also flyfishers) when a fish is kept for the pot... although it is legal, and within the clubs policy.

tight lines,


Kai Nolting's picture

Re: Keeping fish for the pot…...

Hi Ruan,

This subject has discussed many times, but it didn't have lost his actuality.
The new area I use to fish in is 'catch and kill area'.
Even the smallest trout witch reach the 25cm mark (!) will get killed and I saw also
'fisherman' who killed protected fishes like graylings.
To top this nonsense, these low minded people are going to discuss the down going of the populations each time they'll meet up at the water and will find the conclusion in the existing of the Cormoran and other fish hunting species.

I’m not a fanatic ‘catch and releaser’ but I go fishing more to relax (and of course to take photos) than hunt fish for the pan.
So more than 90 % of my fishes will be released and with the rest I create a delicious dinner.

Kind regards,



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